What Is a Medical Marijuana Card Issued by a Doctor?


A certification (recommendation) is a written statement from a doctor stating that medicinal marijuana would be helpful for the patient’s severe condition. Since the legal definition of a prescription is a written instruction to a certified pharmacist to supply the substance, this is not a prescription for medical marijuana. Additionally, due to the strict government regulations on pharmaceuticals, medical marijuana cannot be prescribed. Discover the best info about GOLD COAST CLEARS.

This was the issue with Prop 200, Arizona’s original approval 1996. Unfortunately, the law was drafted to necessitate two “prescriptions” for medical marijuana. This rendered the statute null and void.

As long as they don’t participate in the drug’s distribution or production, doctors who recommend medical marijuana are immune from federal punishment. Under state medicinal marijuana legislation, thousands of doctors have recommended marijuana to patients without national repercussions.

Although patients can try to get their primary care physician to certify them, that doctor might be unwilling to do so. This can be because of concerns about legal repercussions or a lack of familiarity with the topic. In such a case, patients can request a copy of their medical records and shop around for a practitioner more familiar with medicinal marijuana.

Generally speaking, states want to see recommendations from doctors actively registered in that state. So does Arizona. Behind departing the exam, the next step is to apply for a medical marijuana ID card from the Arizona Department of Health Services.

The Arizona medical marijuana card is valid for 12 months from the date it was issued. After that, new accreditation will be required. The following items constitute a written certification:

  • Name, license number, mailing address, contact number, and electronic mail address of the doctor;
  • Name and birth date of the eligible patient;
  • Documentation proving the patient meets the Arizona Department of Health Services’ criteria for a chronic, disabling illness
  • The diagnosis of a debilitating medical condition that meets the criteria set out in Arizona’s Department of Health Services statutes;

Problems initial a statement stating they may have assumed primary responsibility regarding providing management and schedule care of the patient’s incapacitating medical condition after conducting an intensive medical history and physical exam, as agreeably as a nonobjective review of the individual patient’s medical record taken care of by other treating medical professionals, which may include the patient’s effect and response to conventional health-related therapies.

  • A signed declaration from the doctor stating that they have considered the potential drug interactions between medical marijuana and all other drugs and supplements the patient is taking.
  • A physician-signed declaration attesting that they have discussed the potential dangers and benefits of medical marijuana use with the patient who is eligible to use it;
  • A physician-signed statement indicating, during the life of their partnership, the doctor intends to monitor the patient’s progress while using medicinal marijuana;
  • Evidence that conventional medical treatments have failed to improve the patient’s condition, and a statement from the treating physician that the patient’s medical use of marijuana is likely to have therapeutic or palliative effect in improving the patient’s condition;
  • Statement of the belief that the contents of the written certification are accurate; and
  • The doctor’s signature, along with the date.

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