Our own Canadian Immigration Story – What We Did and How All of us Did It!


After 6 several weeks in Canada and the finality that people were no longer on vacation strike with a bang – many of us weren’t going “home”.

I’d personally served over 16 decades in the Royal Air Force (RAF), so saying goodbye to your “safe” job (and technique of life) seemed surreal. A final Christmas and New Year, typically the emotional family farewell, your one-way flight – everything seemed totally unreal! All of us found it hard to believe that over 2 years of preparing had actually come to fruition and we were starting our own new life near Calgary. Well, it was true. I had been starting my new work the next day and the temperature was obviously a cool – 25ºC!

There were discussed living in Canada at great length after the wife’s sister had relocated to Edmonton with her Canadian husband and were taking pleasure in a lifestyle we could only desire. We tried a few DO-IT-YOURSELF assessments to see if we would be eligible but found ourselves one point short of the “pass mark” which was 70 during that time.

We decided that we might have to hire an immigration professional. When we opened up typically the Immigration Newspaper “Canada News”, the first advert we found was Access Migration Companies which offered a free review. We spoke to Kerry Martin and discussed each of our thoughts. We received typically the assessment in the post, loaded it in and went back to it the next day. Kerry determined that we had a good probability of qualifying and so offered us all a no visa zero fee contract and so the course of action began.

We were inundated using forms and questionnaires and places to research thoroughly actually all entailed. I built my qualifications and directed them to IQAS in Edmonton for a Canadian equivalency. I quickly contacted Transport Canada to verify if my aircraft maintenance permits were valid. They were unable, but I would be able to take a seat for some exams, provide our full career history and be employed for a minimum of 6 months in Canadian Aviation.

It didn’t appear to be too bad considering I was attempting to15328 move continents! We had to deliver off for police bank checks from Germany, the UK authorities and the RAF police to be able to prove we had no criminal records, when they were back we could post our application.

It was released that the Canadian Immigration passport system was changing; nobody knew what would happen or perhaps when it would come into result. Kerry kept us advised and was very calming during a troublesome time. I put to put in my 18 months’ detect to leave as the Immigration authorities required a getaway date from the RAF instructions 17th Feb 2003 is the date we chose.

Most of us watched the horror connected with September 11th unfold; often the aviation world collapsed with the rest of the RAF, I grew to be involved in the Afghan War as well as the unstable world climate that will follow.

We managed to devote two weeks to Andie’s siblings in Calgary during March 2001, fitting in quad biking, hiking, trips to be able to Banff, and also viewing demonstrate homes. We were getting a sense of southern Alberta as well as opportunities. On our way to the residence, the airline (Canada 3000) went bankrupt as we travelled into Gatwick on its instructions another bad sign to get my future employment.

Together with the police checks complete, most of us sent the application off to help Kerry, who returned by professionals presented paperwork with aiding documents for us to warn and return with the Substantial Commission fees. The new Canadian Immigration system was last but not least announced with stricter position scoring that was back outdated to all applications received immediately after December 18th 2001. Plantigrade arrived there on 19th December!!!! We didn’t qualify under the new policies; Kerry reassured us that will as the new system hadn’t been ratified by the legislative house it wasn’t set in stone.

The particular authorities backed down following threats of legal actions by several Canadian Immigration Lawyers, the cutoff time was set as August 1st 2002. All software processed before then would be beneath the old rules – I was back in with a chance. Inside Feb. 2002 our record number arrived – I was being processed; we continued to wait to see if we were to be needed an interview, accepted or decreased. The wait was crazy: Kerry kept us active with regular information messages on Canada, and the comforting voice on the end of the phone was worth the actual fee in itself. Andie’s cousin was also busy within Calgary phoning around to determine points of contact for me.

I had formed started to look at other work and began some task management courses. As with the aircraft maintenance licenses, We soon realized that UK skills wouldn’t readily move to the actual Canadian system. I approached the Southern Alberta Start of Technology (SAIT) and located they had an impressive curriculum associated with courses including several Venture Management offerings and some wonderful technical pre-employment courses which had a good history on the candidates finding employment with regards to choice.

The call came out in the blue: we had been acknowledged subject to Medicals and cant be found being called for an interview! The closest approved clinic was in Oxford, Andie phoned immediately, the initial appointment was eight months. We put the house out there – we needed to recognize it was sold before we were actually able to plan on moving. If we were unsuccessful in the medicals we made the decision I would still leave the actual RAF and we would shift away from the area. Andie’s moms and dads would let us stay with all of them if we sold the house.

All of us put the house on the market in late June 2002 – together a buyer in three days. The date associated with the sale was set for 31st August and we would likely move out on the 29th. Many of us couldn’t believe our chance, but it wasn’t to be plain sailing! The medical clinic phoned first, they had two times booked and we might have to wait an extra eight weeks. Andie had “a minor chat” with them and they eventually agreed to squeeze us throughout as an extra appointment after the heated debate!

All four of us had to have medicals — the kids didn’t have x-rays or blood tests however we each had forty minutes with the doctor, listening to and blood pressure tests. Though there were no health issues in terms of what we knew I were able to stress about the whole bargain and ended up failing a blood pressure test. Apart from the distress, I had to have a cardiograph to be sure I was ok. This was overdue the medicals were repaid by a week as the cardiograph had to be analyzed by a cardiologist. I didn’t feel way too clever!

We checked out different shipping agencies. Kerry encouraged PSS shipping – a children-run business with a great reputation and a good quotation. When we called to guide we had almost left this too late. They managed to suit us in as we just had a relatively small masse to ship. We agreed upon a shared container for your shipping on a door for your door service. They would appear to pack everything about the 28th of August. We only hoped the Medicals were OK!

While I was used away with the Air force, the home sale had stalled because of an argument between the lawyers! All of us couldn’t sack them because then the whole process would need to start again and there is no chance of us creating a deadline for a currency move we had booked. There were big penalties for missing the actual date. We couldn’t terminate the removals at this sort of short notice either, mainly because it too would incur significant penalties.

So we were going through moving out to Andie’s mother and father and leaving the house bare whilst still paying the loan, taxes and bills. Additionally, the insurance was only appropriate for 30 days once ?t had been empty and we were lined up on flights to Calgary to go house hunting!

Sooner or later, Kerry phoned with the reports that we were accepted and had to sign some files and send in our given photos to claim our own visas. At last the alleviation of knowing took away the home nightmare for a day or two. The actual date was set – January 11th 2003. There is certainly only a 3-month window where the forms were good so we decided to send the particular paperwork off once we got returned from Canada because the house drama needs to become serious.

We were planning to set off to Canada to get a month with the house selling still in limbo. We all managed to gain assurances that will things were moving out of view of the public and that all would be carried out in time for our money exchange, all we could do has been board the plane and optimistic the best!

In Canada, we have advised a local realtor (Estate Agent). He helped us discover a plot of land and a reputable creator to build the house of our wishes. We arranged a mortgage (with 35% down you don’t need to still have a job for approval) and decided on the deal – all that seemed to be missing was the cash! Finally, the house sale went through, your money arrived at our Canadian bank in 72 a long time. I was astonished (and thankful) at how the transfer was like clockwork.

It was a chance to spend!!!! We went directly into sign the house deal with often the realtor and wrote out the house purchase agreement. Often the realtor handled all the transactions on our behalf but generally made sure we agreed to anything. We put down the 10% deposit needed to secure the package (the rest is given in possession) and put your home building process into an accessory.

The day after we returned, we all gathered up our paperwork and photos and directed them to recorded delivery for the High Commission in London. It could take approximately 3 weeks to be able to process and then we’d land on our way.

We investigated and chose the shipping business for our Golden Retriever which could cost us more to be able to ship than our proven way tickets! These one-way routes were booked for the eleventh January 2003 and it looked strange paying more to be able to ship a dog than a category of four! The rest they say will be history!

We’ve been here 1 . for 5 years now and can honestly declare it has worked out better than we ever imagined. The first 8 several months or so had more strain than I have ever had previous to and times were extremely hard famous we are settled it’s challenging to imagine being back in BRITAIN. The air is clean, beautiful places are amazing and there is so much to try and do there’s no spare time! The larger isn’t too clever but the truth is can’t have everything!

Read also: Purchase Genuine Passport Online – Interesting Info