Nutritional C – What Genuinely Goes Into It?


Vitamin D – What does in it? The Vitamin C you purchased on the shelf doesn’t come from a good orange. It does originate from a grapefruit or any kind of fruit at all. It’s a chemically refined part of corn starch made in a lab.


I was until I began researching what went into the supplements on the shelf. A quick survey of my local grocery vitamin C supplements says they were stuffed with sweeteners, injectables, and industrial “flow agents” used in making paints and PVC piping.

Why is this particular happening? In a word – cash.

Big Business Vitamin D production is a big company -It’s the most widely used health supplement in the world today (1), and a little research brought up over 122 851 research studies (2) related to it can use.

Its benefits vary from helping the immune system to injury healing, the formation associated with antistress hormones, and it’s the best-known antioxidant needed for over 300 metabolic responses in the body.

With such an outstanding resume, no wonder from the best seller. The one thing you should be worried about is what’s being sold.

Entire Food Vitamins The supplement C on the market today is the type of ascorbic acid processed from corn starch within a lab. There is not necessarily an issue with that since ascorbic acidity is widely identified as the important thing active ingredient in vitamin D.

The problem is that ascorbic acidity is not the only active ingredient within vitamin C, even though it can hold as a complete supplement. Naturally occurring vitamin C contains rutin (a bioflavonoid), organic copper, and other anti-oxidants that may interact with the ascorbic acid to make it more effective.

Technology aside, it’s time for just a little common sense. Which is likely to be more efficient in your body, a chemical separate or a natural compound which has been around for thousands of years?

A much better choice is to choose vitamins from a whole food source. These products are produced from real vegetables and fruits in their natural state and tend to be subject to less processing than any other forms of vitamins.

Unfortunately, picking out whole food vitamins is barely part of the solution because of the compounds that go into making the vitamin supplements later on.

Sweet Tooth? An instant survey of local supermarket vitamin supplements C brought up a staggering range of unnecessary chemical additions to the supplements.

Among the first nine products we surveyed, we often found the sweeteners sorbitol, mannitol, and aspartame in large amounts inside the ingredients list.

How do we learn they were in large amounts?

Depending on the Food Standards Agency (3), items must be listed in descending order at the pairing bowl stage of development. What this means in plain Uk is that the more of an ingredient you set in, the closer to the highest of the ingredients list it has got to go. The sweeteners we all found were all nearby the top of the list.

Filling in the particular Gaps Another major thing we found near the surface of the ingredients list was maltodextrin.

Maltodextrin is a complex carb that metabolizes directly into blood sugar. Besides acting as a way to obtain carbohydrates, it does not add vitamins and minerals to a supplement. If you take a vitamin C dietary supplement, you are looking for vitamin C, not just a carbohydrate.

So why do the manufacturers add it to their health supplements?

Back to our old style – money.

Natural ingredients that will add nutritional value tend to be pricey, so the companies add “fillers” like maltodextrin to build muscle in the product and make the tablets or tablets bigger. We think we are getting better value. Filler materials, however, are usually cheap.

Two-pound pure maltodextrin will make roughly 1600 tablets – much more than the ingredients go a long way. Sadly, it doesn’t give you good value for the money.

Magnesium Stearate

Yet another worthless additive that we found is magnesium stearate. It’s also called magnesium salt and is the effect of refining animal cartilage. Generally, in supplements, the source is beef.

Manufacturers use magnesium stearate as filler content and a flow adviser, a two-for-one of horrible chemical additives.

Imagine for just a moment a production appliance for vitamins, with vegetables and fruits (if you are lucky) on one end and drugs coming out the other. Adding fruits to a machine is compared to blending them instructions messy and, most essentially, sticky. The manufacturers need to start using a flow agent to make sure non-e of the ingredients stick to the systems, especially at the speeds they are running. (An normal tablet machine can turn available 10, 000 tablets the hour)

So what’s the challenge?

Magnesium stearate is listed as a hazardous substance by the BRITAIN and US governments; thus, it needs to have an MSDS spread for it by everyone who sells it.

An MSDS is a Material Safety in addition to a Data Sheet, which is a tip for the hazards of using the chemical it describes.

Just one large manufacturer of Magnesium Stearate lists the threats as follows (4):

Acute Deadly Effects: Irritating to the body and eyes on call. Inhalation will irritate the lungs and mucus cayenne. Irritation to the eyes causes watering and redness. Reddening, scaling, and itching usually is characteristics of skin redness. Follow safe industrial personal hygiene practices and always wear safety equipment when handling that compound.

In their defense, they extensively mention if it is safe to help ingest in their report.

At this point is their conclusion:

To the good of our knowledge, the substance, physical, and toxicological qualities have not been thoroughly researched for Magnesium Stearate.

So they don’t know if it’s risk-free or not. Again, it’s a moment for common sense to start working. If this product will annoy your eyes, skin, and lungs, if you should wear shielding clothing when handling that, and they don’t realize whether it’s safe…

Do you want to take it?

Summary- What to be aware of

In short, almost every one of the vitamin C supplements you can find on a store shelf is not created from natural fruit but refined corn starch. They are also very likely to primarily include sweeteners and filler injections and contain Magnesium Stearate, a “flow agent” and filler material that may be damaging.

Does this mean that there is a conspiracy theory from vitamin manufacturers just about everywhere to poison us together with cheap chemicals? No. These kinds of chemicals may be safe, but they don’t appear to realize for sure.

What is for sure is the fact if you buy a supplement that contains some of these items, you are not getting the best value for money.

Your only support is to Read the Label. Pick wisely.

Read also: Necessary Rules Of a Healthy Diet